
Pass Rates for Medical Physicists

Obtaining board certification is vital to a medical physics career, and the path to becoming a board-certified medical physicist is not an easy one.  The traditional route to board certification from the American Board of Radiology requires graduation from a CAMPEP-approved graduate program, completion of a 2-year residency, and passing three board examinations, each offered…

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Timing is everything

The locum market moves very quickly.  Understanding the process and the timing can help your department get the right person at the right time to fulfill your physics or dosimetry needs. Laying the ground work Our process starts with us having a call with you to find out more about your department.  Every department operates…

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The Stereotactic Supervision Dilemma

There is a disparity in resources between large institutions in major metropolitan areas and small rural facilities.  As the physics staffing shortage grinds on and changes the landscape of the profession, smaller rural facilities face hidden challenges as they try and come up with creative solutions. Stereotactic (SRS/SBRT) procedures have become the norm in our…

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Summertime in Radiation Therapy

Summertime makes me think of radiation therapy.  Patients are lying down sometimes only covered up with a towel while the linear accelerator tans their skin with radiation.  Therapists make announcements like lifeguards blowing their whistles when their patients are misbehaving (moving).  Physicists and dosimetrists are like the parents who have painstakingly planned this whole trip…

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The Persistent Shortage of Physicists: Current Trends and Future Prospects

Is there still a shortage of medical physicists? Yes!  2023 saw record shortages for physicists. More than 90% of radiation oncologists reported that their practices were facing clinical staff shortages and 80% said it was worse than the year before (ASTRO Survey 2023).  In the fall, we saw a bit of a reprieve in posted…

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Radiation oncology departments need to be flexible to meet their patient needs. We schedule around patient’s availability, replan when needed, juggle appointments when the Linacs go down, and cover each other for PTO.  Each role in the radiation therapy department is singular and specialized.  Most departments have only one or two professionals in each job…

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Objective quality assurance in radiation therapy

One of the great values we bring to the clinic as radiation therapy professionals is an independent objective view of the equipment and procedures.  As board-certified professionals, we are taught to always double and triple check every step of the planning and treatment process.  When I started my career, most therapy departments had a separate…

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The rapid birth of radiation therapy

We have come a long way in a short amount of time.  In the 128 years since x-rays were discovered, the technology and use of ionizing radiation has engulfed the entire world in nearly every part of our daily lives.  We use radiation to make our food safer to eat, check for contraband in luggage,…

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Are you ready for targeted RPT?

    Radiation oncology is about to change. If the last 20 years heralded a technological revolution in external beam delivery, the next 10 years will see the incorporation of targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) into everyday practice. It’s already happening. In July 2022, ASTRO published their RPT framework for trainees and prioritized RPT as “a…

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All the Pieces of the Puzzle

  Radiation Oncology is a highly specialized field.  Each member of the team is skilled and unique and must fit together like pieces of a puzzle to create a picture of health and pain relief for the cancer patients.  The radiation oncologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists, nurses, and therapists all perform their roles supported by the…

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